
I must share this with the world!

I used to love this show... I think I've just lost all of the serious feelings I've ever put into watching it, however. Just by seeing this. This...this... work of art.


Bored and Pissed

Not gonna take that plate up. Not gonna do it. I'ma rebel.
Finished math. Gonna draw. Gotta work on dat comic...
If I ever had a comic series, it'd be a bunch of different story lines with a bunch of different characters, maybe even intersecting stories sometimes. It'd be called "Uncrumpled Comics," or maybe even just "Uncrumpled." That'd be cool. But first I'd have to develop some type of art talent... *grabs giant pencil* TO WORK!
Why'm I pissed, you ask? Well if you've made it this far you've probably forgotten that you asked. Or you didn't ask in the first place. Which, honestly, I find more likely. I'm making a surprisingly low amount of mistakes, for how fast I'm typing. Sure, I've made a LOT, but I've erased them. And it's still a surprisingly low amount.
This has ended up a lot longer than I initially intended. So, I'm off.

Leave before he shoots you! I WON'T LOSE ANOTHER ONE! *pushes you out*

Music I Listen to... Don't Judge Me.

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South Park Kyle Broflovski - Background