
Humpteh Dumpteh ain't no smarticle.

What. The heck. Did I just say? Er, type. Er, think. Er, pronounce. Proclaim? State? GNAH.
They totally didn't give me sugar. Heh.
Well, anyways, new poll up. Since this site is all stupid sometimes, forgetting some words in titles, the question is something like "What kind of nerd do you be?" Don't be shy, we're all nerds. In our own little obsessive ways.
I like paper.
I shall leave you with a horrible truth.



For those of you who are wondering, yes, I had coffee. I MADE IT MAHSELF. XD


New thing, under the other thing, under this thing, which is this post.

Makes sense if you know what I'm talking about. Which you probably don't.
Anyone who's seen my blog in the past...while knows that I'm nerdily obsessed with a new video game lately. It's fun! Well, yes. There's a music video for that, right under my playlist, that I absolutely LOVE. Of course, to hear the actual song, you have to wait through an ad and a one-sided conversation about spoilers. You can't skip the ad, but you can skip ahead to, like, 40 seconds to get to the song.
I honestly doubt anyone cares. But I have this need to not shut up right now. Soooo yes. That happens.
Anyway, if you do watch, enjoy his awesome accent. If you don't, enjoy not having part of your life wasted by something many of you (not all, many) won't understand any of, anyway.
I do love his accent, though.


That's where you come in.

Also, the chat box works now. 


Okay, new element.

There is now a chat box-thing at the bottom of the page! Right under Facebook and followers, right above Fancy Pants 2. So, if other people are on at the same time, you can look down there and chat! And then play Fancy Pants! And even some of the music right above all that. Except I like weird music. Soooo....
Never mind. I did not do that right. Now you can only talk to my Meebo account that i keep forgetting the password to. Ergh. I freaking fail
Okay, there's something. But it won't connect. Whatever, it's there, if it works for you, yay! I'm frustrated now. So I'll leave.







I'm waiting while Portal downloads. My dad let me buy it! WOO! I'll try to remember about Portal 2. It's fifty bucks right now on Steam, 'cause it's really freaking popular, so I'll have to get that when it's, like, 20 or something...ERGH! I'm rambling and I probably sound boring because I haven't typed all day and my fingers like to warm up first, so I'm too busy correcting fifty effing spelling mistakes every sentence.
I CAN'T WAIT! 75% done! (I watched a walk through, so I know how to get through some of it! Woo! Portal 2 has more story, but I'll be extremely happy with the original for a long time!
Sigh. =P I'm a nerd.)



My second-or-third favorite band + my favorite song (however temporary that might be) + directed by my favorite celebrity EVAR= EPIC. EFFING. VIDEO! XD


Please decide not to read this...

Okay, okay, okay, I'm going to cuss in this one. I don't know how often I just know I will. So, shield the eyes of your children, suck it up, and push on, if the need ever does strike you.
That's not it. No, I mean, things right now, they're really fucked up. My mind is fucked up. The whole damn WORLD is fucked up! I'm sick and tired of it! This ain't no suicide note, mind you. If it was, I'd be using better grammar. But, seriously, I need to say it, and I WILL say it. Let that green-eyed chick to the right stare at you intently as I explain myself.
I...I don't even really CARE anymore. I've always sucked at sympathy, but it's even WORSE now because I'm just letting myself get used to the idiocy of the world! I've grown to the point where I acknowledge my selfishness when someone is murdered on the news. We all feel it! We all know that, as long as it isn't anyone we know, it doesn't affect us, so poor them. Too bad.
But there ARE people who it affects, who knew and loved those people. And they're thinking, "Why us? Why not them? Why not you?!" I'm sure you've read one of those books or seen one of those movies where, in some circumstance, people have to kill other people. So, they have a whole thing where the main character's all like "Oh, you can kill whoever you want, as long as it's outside my fucking community! Herp derp!" and then some INCREDIBLY wise person tells them that those people have people they love too, why is your mother so much more important than someone else's mother?
Of course, then that is COMPLETELY forgotten and the person killing doesn't kill anyone the main character knows. (See, what I'm thinking here is the Twilight series and the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod series.) And this is how it is in real life. It's gonna happen, to whoever or whatever, and nobody gives a shit unless it's someone they care about.
And the stupidest among all the idiots think that it's OKAY to do this crap, they think they can pin it on the media. Well, as someone I truly admire once said, "Any pile of stunted growth unaware that entertainment is just that and nothing more, deserves to doom themselves to some dank cell, somewhere, for having been so stupid!! Movies, books, T.V., music-they're all just entertainment, not guidebooks for damning yourself!" And since the person I admire does the same thing I'm yelling at these "idiots" for doing, you gain further proof that this world is messed up.
Well, I'm kind of just rambling, so I'm surprised if there's anyone still following along.
This way of thinking, it's messing with my mind! I've always been a bit eccentric, but now I'm bat-shit insane! I swear it, I hear things! At night, these...people. Women and children mostly, I hear them! Yelling for help, but I can't do a thing. I'm not asleep, I'm just the same as everyone else. Stupid, lazy, selfish. That's why I can't do a thing. I think they're figments of my imagination, because no police or media show up the next day. But I can never be sure. The law is not perfect, and you KNOW the media isn't, either.
I can't stand it, I can't! Sometimes I just sit there, clutching my head, freaking out at the thought of watching the world from my point of view, behind eyes, so limited. I can't even tell if my range of vision is circular or not! It should be, right? Or, like, oval-shaped. I just don't know! And then questions come to mind. Every civilization in history has fallen. Will ours fall when we're still alive? And what happens when we're at our peak? We would reach every advancement we could, no more developments are possible. What happens then? Do we fall? What? What?!
I'm driving myself MAD! I'm not sure if it's my floor purring at night or my mind purring at the thought of having a break from all this crap. Shit. Emo-bitchy-fucking-SHIT. Ergh. That's enough disturbances for one day. Please, please don't have read this. Honestly...
"The violent crimes? All perfectly natural in a society whose advances are limited to its technology. The basic behavior of the modern human is hardly different from that of its primitive ancestors. The only noticeable changes are trends. Whether in a suit, or in a loincloth, people are ignorant little thorns, cutting into one another. They seem incapable of advancing beyond violent tendencies which, at one time were necessary for survival."-JTHM.

Music I Listen to... Don't Judge Me.

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South Park Kyle Broflovski - Background