
This feels... STRAAANGE.

This. Typing. After so much... neglect of this thing. Well, I really don't have much to blog about. I have my angst-filled moments, heck yeah, but I'm not all that interesting, am I? My life is normal enough that this blog is basically just a bunch'a stuff I felt like rambling about at the moment.
Oh, yes, I've come to think of it as normal. Don't let that confuse you.
Wow, what a winter break. I've all but forgotten what it's like to be at school... I've been wearing the craziest outfits I can muster from my closet, just for an outlet, simply because I wouldn't have to be embarrassed of it in the hallways. Yes. I'm very fashion conscious. Surprising? Nah. Just a hobby.
Ally, ooh, hey, if you're reading this, I did something kind of awesome with your soap. My shell mold broke, so I made you this thing with a small, light colored circle of soap inside a large dark color circle. Yeah, you can't see it at first... probably should'a put the lighter stuff on the outside. Ah, well. It'll be all the more surprising when you get to the middle. You'll be like "OH LOOK THERE'S ANOTHER COLOR IN HERE. YEAH." Can you tell that I'm a bit hyper?
My gosh I'm rambling now. About things that... *gasp* No one cares about! Except that soap thing... maybe... Well I think it's pretty cool. I've already mentioned rambling, way up there, haven't I? Yes, I see it, about to be hidden by the next line. In fact, it left when I said the word 'about.' Oh, poor thing.
I'm addicted to a song. Called Pepper. If you wanna hear it, it's at the bottom of my playlist. Unless it's playing already. In that case, by all means, tell me. 'Cause that's really freaking awesome, mang! Like, really. Yeah. Also, addicted to No Children. It's much more depressing... but just as catchy! Hee.
Oh, gosh. I must go FEED my obsession. This is an obsession of horrible proportions... so, yeah. I'd better feed it. SO IT'LL GET BIGGER! Then smaller as I find a new baby to nurse... then the last one will get small and neglected and bitter... then when it grows up it'll bitch about how IT used to be the favorite, not that low-down whiny little NEW one. That was also replaced by a different one.
... Okay that extended metaphor was a bit disturbing. So I'll just leave you at that... thought. Then.


  1. Good to hear from you again :D How'd the soaps turn out?

  2. FANTASTIC. I'm very proud of yours, in fact. It's got sprinkles in it!
    Unfortunately, all of this soap making has come with a side effect: I am OBSESSED WITH SOAP. My gosh it's... just... so... IT'S SOAP.

  3. I read it! (Surprisingly...) Sorry, but I'm used to you NOT blogging! ^^
    Heheh...yeaaaaaah, sooo...uh...


I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

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