

I kinda feel like I've been more emo than happy in these posts lately. Though, "lately" isn't exactly a word you can use about this blog, due to the frequency of posts. Which is, no frequency at all, almost.
I'm just going to mention that, no, it's not because I'm getting moodier. I suppose it's just because I never feel like sharing thoughts unless they're about something depressing. When I'm happy I'd much rather go off and do something fun than think it all through. 'Cause really, why would you waste such a good mood on explaining things? In fact, I'm not in the best mood now, but I'll explain a few reasons why I should be, or rather, why being optimistic is sometimes good for a person.
Here's a theory of mine: What the sizzling heck is the point of complaining? Yeah, it's definitely nice to get crap off your chest every now and again, simply to let out some of the stress life puts on 'ya. But, seriously, those who complain all the time get very hard to talk to. For example, I can think of an immediate three people who do nothing but complain. Maybe four. Usually, before I come in contact with them, I'm in a fairly good mood. But, then, all they do when I start talking to them is complain about something. Or at least not say positive things.
And the thing about it is, it's the same thing over and over again! Always the same complaints from them, telling it to me like I didn't know they were having that problem already. After this, it just... it's like they're stealing my good mood from me. Then they don't even get in a good mood themselves after this talk, which would make it worth it. No, they just continue. See, this is an example of what your words can do to other people. Soon I'll be grumpy and ignore my friends, snap at my parents, and we're all getting grumpy. I get mad at people simply because they're mad at something trivial!
And, no, I'm not perfectly well-tempered, either. I have my moments of trivial aggressiveness, but I do try not to pass that on. If anybody notices me passing it on, please tell me. Immediately. Because I don't want to be like that.
Gosh, I still need to put that Batman poster up, dangit...
Well, there's a bit of that ranting done. The point of it was to say, what's the point of life if all you're going to do is complain about it? Sometimes people just take the good things for granted, act as if they're a given right. News flash, they're not. It'd be nice of you to stop focusing on all the bad things, then taking your self-given bad mood out on everyone else.
But what is the point of life, then? Yeah, it seems pretty trivial, doesn't it all? Sometimes there's just no point. You grow up, get an education, get a job and become just another part in the machine. There's gotta be something else we're missing here. Yep. And I think that's fun.
The meaning of life is fun.
Just have FUN! It's not difficult. I try to make everything I do about fun. I rarely get involved in drama, at least as rarely as I can help. And really, that just makes things more manageable. I plan to become successful in the future, if only to fund my fun. It will be magical.
Hm. What else can I rant about here? With all of my self-centered thoughts and strange viewpoints that, at the most, two people will read. Because only two people care. And I thank those two for being there, because seriously, it's nice to just RANT. Also, if there were any more than two, it'd be extremely embarrassing.
Gosh, how long is this thing?
Don't say it.
I'm surprised you, dear half of my reading base, har har, have made it this far. You must either have fantastic endurance or absolutely nothing else to do for the next five minutes.
Have you finished your roots project yet? Almost done here...


  1. I don't have a roots project! *raises hand*
    And, as you know, I am always there for you however I can be, and here I be. And here I be for Lauren and here I be for Cami and here I be for anyone who will actually listen to me or pay attention in anyway! HALF OF READER BASE! WOO!
    Twins: *hug Jen* FUN FOREVER!
    That's basically their motto for life so they probably love you forever now.
    ^^ I'm just glad you're not dead. Or depressed. And hope dearly that I'm not one of those people always complaing. *shoots a look at AJ*
    AJ: What???

  2. Scary...you have Ke$ha on your playlist? QUICK! RUN! RUN BEFORE IT PLAYS!
    Hi Jen!


I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

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