

Daaaaggg this new layout is... new.
It's weird... and gonna be hard to get used to... if I ever decide to let this thing live.
Uhm, Homestuck has been having interesting updates... er...
Sorry. I'm done.
Okay I'm done. For reals. Sorry.
(I warn you, this video DOES contain about two seconds of explicit content.)


I apologize profusely!

Okay, so, due to a misunderstanding that I feel absolutely HORRIBLE about- I am a horrible person- I shall make this clear. I have only a few people who even know of this blog, and a few of them read this, yes? So, I have an estimate of probably five who would ever venture to read this the few times that I type onto this blog. And, as some of those five will know, one of my last posts was a complaint about complaints.
I want you glorious five people to know for sure that if I happen to be ranting about any specific people in this blog, it is NOT you. I would never talk about someone in a negative way if I knew they were going to know about it. Heck, I rarely talk about people in a negative way, especially not to other people. Except for celebrities. But they were BORN to be made fun of. And my family members every now and again, if I'm grumpy...
Anyway, you wonderful, wonderful people can be 100% certain that nothing bad in this blog, or anywhere that's written so vaguely, is about you. If I have an issue with you, I'll tell you straight up and hope we can come to an understanding. Either that or I'll just get over it and keep it to myself. I wouldn't be so stupid to practically tell it to your face. In fact, I think I need to apologize to the few I referred to in that post that may have offended you. It was cowardly of me to talk about them on the internet instead of talk to them personally about my issues; even if I didn't use names, that's disrespectful.
I know there's... about two of you who worried I may have meant them? I am SO sorry. Even coming from someone like me, that kind of thing being said can cause some hurt feels, and that is the last thing I want. So sorry you-know-who, (not Voldemort, I just don't want to use names in case that causes embarrassment.) And, even though judging by your comment it was just a fleeting thought, I still feel horrible for making it flee anywhere in your vicinity, sorry 'Alice!' ... And yes, that is Ke$ha. Heh... uh... You... you didn't see that there.
To free the songs possibly stuck in your head from even reading that word, here's a very pretty song about something only... one of you possible readers get the references of. Probably. I don't know what you people do in your free time.



One of them isn't a GIF.
I clicked it whilst trying to click an actual magical moving flashy picture.
But it's still funny.
Laugh, damn you.



I kinda feel like I've been more emo than happy in these posts lately. Though, "lately" isn't exactly a word you can use about this blog, due to the frequency of posts. Which is, no frequency at all, almost.
I'm just going to mention that, no, it's not because I'm getting moodier. I suppose it's just because I never feel like sharing thoughts unless they're about something depressing. When I'm happy I'd much rather go off and do something fun than think it all through. 'Cause really, why would you waste such a good mood on explaining things? In fact, I'm not in the best mood now, but I'll explain a few reasons why I should be, or rather, why being optimistic is sometimes good for a person.
Here's a theory of mine: What the sizzling heck is the point of complaining? Yeah, it's definitely nice to get crap off your chest every now and again, simply to let out some of the stress life puts on 'ya. But, seriously, those who complain all the time get very hard to talk to. For example, I can think of an immediate three people who do nothing but complain. Maybe four. Usually, before I come in contact with them, I'm in a fairly good mood. But, then, all they do when I start talking to them is complain about something. Or at least not say positive things.
And the thing about it is, it's the same thing over and over again! Always the same complaints from them, telling it to me like I didn't know they were having that problem already. After this, it just... it's like they're stealing my good mood from me. Then they don't even get in a good mood themselves after this talk, which would make it worth it. No, they just continue. See, this is an example of what your words can do to other people. Soon I'll be grumpy and ignore my friends, snap at my parents, and we're all getting grumpy. I get mad at people simply because they're mad at something trivial!
And, no, I'm not perfectly well-tempered, either. I have my moments of trivial aggressiveness, but I do try not to pass that on. If anybody notices me passing it on, please tell me. Immediately. Because I don't want to be like that.
Gosh, I still need to put that Batman poster up, dangit...
Well, there's a bit of that ranting done. The point of it was to say, what's the point of life if all you're going to do is complain about it? Sometimes people just take the good things for granted, act as if they're a given right. News flash, they're not. It'd be nice of you to stop focusing on all the bad things, then taking your self-given bad mood out on everyone else.
But what is the point of life, then? Yeah, it seems pretty trivial, doesn't it all? Sometimes there's just no point. You grow up, get an education, get a job and become just another part in the machine. There's gotta be something else we're missing here. Yep. And I think that's fun.
The meaning of life is fun.
Just have FUN! It's not difficult. I try to make everything I do about fun. I rarely get involved in drama, at least as rarely as I can help. And really, that just makes things more manageable. I plan to become successful in the future, if only to fund my fun. It will be magical.
Hm. What else can I rant about here? With all of my self-centered thoughts and strange viewpoints that, at the most, two people will read. Because only two people care. And I thank those two for being there, because seriously, it's nice to just RANT. Also, if there were any more than two, it'd be extremely embarrassing.
Gosh, how long is this thing?
Don't say it.
I'm surprised you, dear half of my reading base, har har, have made it this far. You must either have fantastic endurance or absolutely nothing else to do for the next five minutes.
Have you finished your roots project yet? Almost done here...


So Bored

So bored.
So bored.
Reborn Gorillaz obsession.
Bled again.
Watched the blood go down the drain while I waited for mom to get home.
It was interesting.
So bored.
This song is nice...
The Plastic Beach game is hard.
So bored.
I don't care.
I just...
I don't even.


This feels... STRAAANGE.

This. Typing. After so much... neglect of this thing. Well, I really don't have much to blog about. I have my angst-filled moments, heck yeah, but I'm not all that interesting, am I? My life is normal enough that this blog is basically just a bunch'a stuff I felt like rambling about at the moment.
Oh, yes, I've come to think of it as normal. Don't let that confuse you.
Wow, what a winter break. I've all but forgotten what it's like to be at school... I've been wearing the craziest outfits I can muster from my closet, just for an outlet, simply because I wouldn't have to be embarrassed of it in the hallways. Yes. I'm very fashion conscious. Surprising? Nah. Just a hobby.
Ally, ooh, hey, if you're reading this, I did something kind of awesome with your soap. My shell mold broke, so I made you this thing with a small, light colored circle of soap inside a large dark color circle. Yeah, you can't see it at first... probably should'a put the lighter stuff on the outside. Ah, well. It'll be all the more surprising when you get to the middle. You'll be like "OH LOOK THERE'S ANOTHER COLOR IN HERE. YEAH." Can you tell that I'm a bit hyper?
My gosh I'm rambling now. About things that... *gasp* No one cares about! Except that soap thing... maybe... Well I think it's pretty cool. I've already mentioned rambling, way up there, haven't I? Yes, I see it, about to be hidden by the next line. In fact, it left when I said the word 'about.' Oh, poor thing.
I'm addicted to a song. Called Pepper. If you wanna hear it, it's at the bottom of my playlist. Unless it's playing already. In that case, by all means, tell me. 'Cause that's really freaking awesome, mang! Like, really. Yeah. Also, addicted to No Children. It's much more depressing... but just as catchy! Hee.
Oh, gosh. I must go FEED my obsession. This is an obsession of horrible proportions... so, yeah. I'd better feed it. SO IT'LL GET BIGGER! Then smaller as I find a new baby to nurse... then the last one will get small and neglected and bitter... then when it grows up it'll bitch about how IT used to be the favorite, not that low-down whiny little NEW one. That was also replaced by a different one.
... Okay that extended metaphor was a bit disturbing. So I'll just leave you at that... thought. Then.

Music I Listen to... Don't Judge Me.

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South Park Kyle Broflovski - Background