

Fricken' frackin' fracky fracker. And a bucket of fricken fracky fracksauce.
Oh, bother.
Fricking fracking emo mood! AGAIN! Starting to piss me off a bit...
Not that anyone gives a chuzlet, here's a status update from me.
  • Got a friend obsessed with JtHM. Win.
  • In front of GLaDOS's chamber and too much of a wuss to go in. Fail.
  • Downloading random free game off of Steam for no real reason. Neutral.
  • Downloading eleven minute YouTube video just to use about five seconds of it for my own video. Fail.
  • Side hurts possibly from not eating, but I'm too emo-y to eat. Fail.
  • Then I ate something and now feel worse. Double fail.
  • Feel horrible for not swimming with my grandmother today because of my whiny little ingrate attitude. Fail.
  • Left my phone elsewhere. Fail.
  • Too much of a loser to do anything but sit down and do nothing all day. Fail.
  • Just realized all of that isn't that bad and I really am just being a whiny emo brat. Fail.
So as you can see... not in a good mood. 8 fail, 1 win, 1 neutral. Why am I even fricking posting this?! Geez. I don't know. Ich.
I'll, er...put some random picture on here and leave. There you go. Now there's a reason.


  1. Its okay, i feel like that a lot. actually i used to cut, but u'll still be my friend right? LOL whenever i say that i lose like 2 friends. Dont tell anyone though, i'm not really proud of it to say it midly. ;) Actually it's interesting how much alike we are. even though i wudn't write something like that on my blog, i feel like that often. Fail. Lqtm ;)

  2. That's a scary picture. kinda scary like Marylin Manson. LOOL

  3. Whaaat? Why on earth would I not like you anymore just 'cause of something you USED to do? Even if you still did it, that wouldn't make me not want to talk to ya. That's just not right...
    XD Even though you wouldn't write something like that? Well, now I know I really AM a whiny little brat. :D
    I likes da picture. XD

  4. Yeah, but it's still creepy...


I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

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