
Oh, Crap, Not Again

Lookit dat. In an emo mood again. That sucks eggs. Rotten little purple-colored Easter eggs with one of those little yellow squiggles around the middle.
Anyway, I wish I wasn't so boring. It's true! I am boring. I spend my Saturdays playing with a planet simulator and going over to a friend's house for no reason happens, like, once a year. Being socially awkward is not fun.
Another thing I want to rant on about for no reason because you probably couldn't care less is that I have a new favorite show. (LONG SENTENCE POWER!) Well, it's not my favorite show, really. It's my third-favorite animated show and my first-favorite animated show for adults. I won't mention the name. I don't know why. Either way, it's effin hilarious and it's still managed to keep an interesting plot. Like the pedophile who bodyguards the two main characters, who happen to be young teenagers. Yay! It's fun to watch him freak out all the time.
Hm...tape-air tastes funny...
Well, while I'm here, I think I have an idea. I'm going to challenge you people again! This time, the challenge is to find two songs and put their name and lyrics in a blog post. One song will describe you at your best, the other at your worst. Don't be shy, we're all friends here!
Most people haven't been on in a while, so I'm going to spread the word to the people at school. They'll be able to spread it to those I don't see at school (you know who you be (yay bad grammar and double-parentheses!)) and maybe we can have as good results as the 10 things challenge!
I don't have my "Song at my worst" yet (it's on the tip of my tongue) so I'll just wait for someone else to take charge and make the example. Don't hold back! This is going to be fun! Also, I still have that yak.
SO, subtle threats aside, just...just do it. Kay? KAY?! AGH stupid coffee. It's really annoying to be depressed and hyper at the same time. I'm starting to think all poetic but I still want to make random "MAH?!" sounds and yell at inanimate objects.
Still, it's fun to be weird.
Oh, and by the way, since I haven't obsessed about it to you people for a while...
That'll do for now. AND THEY MAY NOT BE REAL TO YOU, GERTY, BUT THEY'RE REAL TO ME! I'm going to go take out my emo-ness on one of my other personalities. BYE!
By the way, new poll up. I need to see some answers! Also, if you have a different idea, comment! I wanna see 'em.

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I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

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