

The earthquake in Japan was so large it made the Earth spin a little faster. Now every day is 1.8 microseconds shorter. Also, it moved the whole country a full parking space to the east. Countries that move at all move only barely centimeters every year, and Japan moved 13 feet in a few days.
These people...they need help. This is worse than Haiti.
"The earthquake in Japan on March 11, consequent tsunami, and related exposures will result in a pre-tax insurance loss of $700m, AIG said."
700 million dollars.
I read a lot of other info about this in Time magazine that I can't remember...which I feel horrible about, by the way. Their economy is down the toilet and something (maybe stocks or the economy itself, I don't know) went down 14% in such little time.
Next time you're feeling sorry for yourself, imagine kneeling over a loved one on an island of rubble in the middle of an ocean of dirty, muddy water that wasn't there the day before. Imagine your home either being shaken down by an earthquake or drowned and toppled by a tsunami.
Yeah. Morbid thoughts kinda make that self-pity disappear, don't they?



Meh...I've been in one of those moods lately...soooooooooo yeah. The post font was the most difficult because any font that matched the background would be unreadable and I couldn't put on a solid-background-color thingy behind the posts because then you wouldn't be able to see the picture. I also had to make it scroll with the page, otherwise you would only be able to see their heads.
Gaaaaah. Anywho, how was your Sunday? If anyone bothers to comment. Mine was fine but...is about to become uncomfortable....ergh. Conversation with mom is not going to be fun...but...whatever. She has to know. All who are going "WTF?" I will explain at school. All who could care less may disregard this post... or at least this paragraph. Except for the first sentence. (Gaaaaah does not count.) I must know about your weekend! Seriously, either you people don't read my posts or you're just Silent Bobs. The first option I'm fine with but the latter is not acceptable! I must know if you are aliiiivvveee!
Just saw my dad with no shirt and doctor gloves take something small out of the microwave...I'm honestly scared. XD Seriously though...that's creepy.
Anywho, I'mma go. My face is inexplicably warm and I must take a shower so I can freaking un-braid my hair...Yes, I took one last night and un-braided it but...I got bored. 'Nuff said.


I sigh.

Is it sad that my parents care more about how I look than I do? Yes...yes I think so.
Anywho, deleted page view counter. I never look at it and I really could care less how many times people checked my blog, since about half of those are probably just me being too lazy to visit the actual site where I made my playlist and click around until I can listen to my songs. No, I just find it easier to click the little button leading me to this very blog and let the music start on its own. Do you hear that? It's music. That you may or may not have already muted. I don't blame you, my musical choices can be a little explicit. They drop the f-bomb ONCE and it's already got a parental warning...
Hm...overly long paragraph.
Ah, well. With my big-ish font and thin-ish posting space, it doesn't surprise me if it looks even longer when you're reading this now.
I forgot crazy hair day yesterday. So, I just messed it up and braided it several times when I got bored (which is usual, but this time I didn't bother to undo the braids.) I still can't run a single finger through it without having a five-minute-long epidemic where my finger is stuck and my head hurts like h-e-double-hockey-sticks (trying to keep this blog PG people.)
...I don't like the Wii very much right now.
Anywho, for those who are still reading, thank you. Although you must be bored out of your mind, I appreciate your acknowledgement of my existence.
Wow, I can't believe I just spelled acknowledgement right on the first try...
I'm going to leave. My thoughts have been spewed onto the internet enough for one day.
I leave you with an extremely creepy Jane Lynch.



That is what happens when I'm bored. Paul McCartney turns into a drag queen with WAY too much makeup. Gonna leave home in about 5 minutes and take a three hour drive. Didn't know about this 'till yesterday. Ah, well.
It's nice being able to see things without rims at the bottom of my vision...
Seeya guys later.
(Good thing is I get to listen to music...bad thing is no internet. TT.TT)


Short and Bored Post

99 Luft Balons. Number 151. It's in German. Neat.
Doncamatic. Number 183. That's a guy singing. Justin Beiber moment, eh?
I was on DeviantArt. Here's a life lesson: If you have an account and it warns you that the picture may not be suitable, DON'T click the blue button. NO.
I'm staying up way too late.
I saw a video about a teacher freaking out on her student. She's like an F'ing NINJA.
SNL. Hilarious.
I give Japan my best wishes.
I watched "A Superhero Movie." They pushed Steven Hawking off the side of a building near the end.
'Nuff said.


Creepy Fangirl on the Move

Finally watched Glee (yes I am a Gleetard, a Gleek. Get over it. XD I mainly just watch for Kurt anyway...) and I was happy! XD And then I got bored. Sooo...I made this...
Yes. That is pretty much me (or someone representing me...) about to "glomp" someone. My dictionary definition of this strange new word:

glomp: (gl-omp) verb. To tackle in a loving and perhaps creepy fangirl fashion; to half-strangle-half-hug someone you are a huge fan of. Ex. "She glomped Damon Albarn until security tore her off, and they dragged her away until her screams of "I LOVE YOU!' died away."

So there ya go. Watch out, people, glomper on the move. It may seem uncharacteristic of me. If you noticed that, you get a cookie. EAT THE COOKIE!
*Stuffs cookie down readers mouth*
Anywho, this picture isn't original. I used Picnik.com to edit an already existing picture into looking like this. It took FOREVER considering the hair is in separate groups, which means that I have to keep making the tool smaller and larger. Ugh.
Sooo, yeah. It's getting late. I better go. Seeya! =D
(By the way, I don't feel like explaining who Damon Albarn is. Google it. *looks at background* it has to do with that...)
[Aaaallsssooo, I've been adding new songs to my playlist. No, not all of them are Gorillaz, thanks. Check out 'The Creep' feat. Niki Minaj, or, one of my very favorites, Kick Ass by Mika. LOVE IT! My head isn't completely in the clouds, people. Or the gutter, as my cousin says... heh...yes.]
DOCTOR OCTAGONAPUS BLAAARRGGGHHH! *fires laser and shoots the 'Publish Post' button*



Checking to see if this works. For some reason it won't. Gaaarrr.
(Later edit: Uploaded by phone. Testing the mobile version. Wewt!)


Okay, Let's See if This Works

So...freaking...annoyed right now... Well, I signed up for this thing at Blogger that says it'll let me post from my email, so that's what I'm doing. I know I said I'd talk about homosexuality, but that'll wait until I test this out. Also, I'll test out the mobile version tomorrow.
Annoyed. Very. Why? Let's make a list....
  1. My dad keeps bumping my chair with the vacuum
  2. The vacuum is loud and annoying
  3. The loud music I'm playing to tune it out is annoying me because it's hurting my ears. (I'd be slightly happier if it was Gorillaz, but sadly it's not.)
  4. My extra credit irks me
  5. My internet, email, and computer is being sooo *beep*ing stupid
  6. I want to break something but I have been raised to know that if I do that, I'll have things coming to me *nod*
  7. I just realized that only ONE of my sentences on the list has a period at the end and I REALLY don't want to change it but I know I'll have to (used to be #5)
  8. I'm lonely... MAH
  9. My mom seems slightly disapproving of the haircuts I want to get
  10. I freaking want those contacts! I'm so sick of glasses that get dirty, go crooked, and don't let me wear sunglasses or 3D glasses without looking ridiculous
  11. I spelled ridiculous wrong and had to fix it
  12. A pen just fell and I REALLY don't want to pick it up but probably will anyway
  13. I was going to make this list an even 10 but I didn't because more things started annoying me
Soooo yeah. Well, I'd better send this and hope it works. I'll add a picture for good measure.
(PS: I'm thinking of starting new blogs on my account that can talk about specific things, while this one stays as my blog where I just type whatever I feel like and guess that only my friends will be reading it. We'll see.)


Eye-ness and Whatnot

Well, had an eye exam today. They dilated my eyeballs! Yay, painful light! Well, it's all good now. Yet my left pupil is still slightly larger than my right...*shudder* it's a little creepy. Ah, well. All's good.
I have to go to a, ahem, "class" on Tuesday to learn how to put contacts in. It's unnecessary if you ask me, since every single other human being in my household uses contacts. But, we have no choice but to pay for the $41 class, since that's the only time they'd give me my freaking Aqua-view Oasis or whatever. But, I believe after Tuesday those who know me will see me without my glasses! Maybe. I dunno.
GAH! TV make scary noises.... LOOUUUD NOISES!
Anyone who knows what that's from gets a cookie.
Soooo yeah. Hmmm... slight depression. Left eye hurting every now and again. Nose unusually dry. Other than that I'm good. How y'all doing who decided to read this? Eh? EH?! Sorry, chocolate and root beer don't mix well with me.
As soon as they said 'dilate,' I had THIS song stuck in my head: Literal Trailer of Awesomeness. (Hint: Click.)
So yeah. Anyway, I'm going to keep searching YouTube and put off my homework 'till after dinner. Next time I decide to type something all up on here, it'll be about a subject I'm extremely opinionated on:
Stay tuned, friends!

Music I Listen to... Don't Judge Me.

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South Park Kyle Broflovski - Background