
I sigh.

Is it sad that my parents care more about how I look than I do? Yes...yes I think so.
Anywho, deleted page view counter. I never look at it and I really could care less how many times people checked my blog, since about half of those are probably just me being too lazy to visit the actual site where I made my playlist and click around until I can listen to my songs. No, I just find it easier to click the little button leading me to this very blog and let the music start on its own. Do you hear that? It's music. That you may or may not have already muted. I don't blame you, my musical choices can be a little explicit. They drop the f-bomb ONCE and it's already got a parental warning...
Hm...overly long paragraph.
Ah, well. With my big-ish font and thin-ish posting space, it doesn't surprise me if it looks even longer when you're reading this now.
I forgot crazy hair day yesterday. So, I just messed it up and braided it several times when I got bored (which is usual, but this time I didn't bother to undo the braids.) I still can't run a single finger through it without having a five-minute-long epidemic where my finger is stuck and my head hurts like h-e-double-hockey-sticks (trying to keep this blog PG people.)
...I don't like the Wii very much right now.
Anywho, for those who are still reading, thank you. Although you must be bored out of your mind, I appreciate your acknowledgement of my existence.
Wow, I can't believe I just spelled acknowledgement right on the first try...
I'm going to leave. My thoughts have been spewed onto the internet enough for one day.
I leave you with an extremely creepy Jane Lynch.

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I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

Music I Listen to... Don't Judge Me.

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South Park Kyle Broflovski - Background