

Meh...I've been in one of those moods lately...soooooooooo yeah. The post font was the most difficult because any font that matched the background would be unreadable and I couldn't put on a solid-background-color thingy behind the posts because then you wouldn't be able to see the picture. I also had to make it scroll with the page, otherwise you would only be able to see their heads.
Gaaaaah. Anywho, how was your Sunday? If anyone bothers to comment. Mine was fine but...is about to become uncomfortable....ergh. Conversation with mom is not going to be fun...but...whatever. She has to know. All who are going "WTF?" I will explain at school. All who could care less may disregard this post... or at least this paragraph. Except for the first sentence. (Gaaaaah does not count.) I must know about your weekend! Seriously, either you people don't read my posts or you're just Silent Bobs. The first option I'm fine with but the latter is not acceptable! I must know if you are aliiiivvveee!
Just saw my dad with no shirt and doctor gloves take something small out of the microwave...I'm honestly scared. XD Seriously though...that's creepy.
Anywho, I'mma go. My face is inexplicably warm and I must take a shower so I can freaking un-braid my hair...Yes, I took one last night and un-braided it but...I got bored. 'Nuff said.


  1. I realize we don't really know each other, but to hear about my weekend, check out naipace.blogspot.com. I'm a friend of Gertrude's.

  2. Nai, you're also my friend... sorta... over the interwebs. Anywhos, I had a piano recital on Sunday, and it went really well.

  3. So bored. So, very, very bored. Hey! No whining. At least SOME people read this, whenever I get around to updating MY blog it's always, hey, nobody! And I ask a question and then go, oh, wait, you're nobody, you can't answer! AHAHAHAHAHA...*silence* Anyways, obviously I am not up to date which makes me feel sad because obviously you have another new obsession plus something w/your mom (literally) that I don't know about and yet I see you about twice pretty much every day. Either I'm a bad friend, or I really AM that out of the loop which makes me feel totally depressed because I'm always out of the loop these days and it just seems like nobody actually cares enough to tell me. That and I feel like I'm totally invisible (literally) some times because that's what everyone's saying. I really wish I wasn't. I hate being in the background and being invisible. Blaine's-voice: Courage! Me: Shut up Blaine. Wes's voice: AND TURN DOWN THE FREAKING KATY PERRY ALREADY! Me: SHUT UP WES! Argh, now I'm rambling...
    Wish I knew what the picture was so I could compliment you on it. (You know I can't google stuff!)
    Invisible girl out, PEACE!
    (Not that you can tell since I'm invisble mwuhahaha...I wonder if I can sneak into movies...)

  4. My comment is as long as the blog entry. *head to desk*

  5. Ok...here we go.

    @Nai Yes! She bugged me endlessly until I finally read your blog. Not that I didn't want to, I'm just incomprehensibly lazy. X3

    @Cami neeeaaatt! I remember my last piano recital...ergh. XD Glad it went well!

    @MsMcCartney Hello, Spanish-speaker!

    @Alice I replied to THAT one on your own blog to make sure you read it... You=not invisible. At least not to me. Remember that.

    If anybody ever looks at this...well...there ya go.


I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

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