
Short-Story Time!

(WARNING: Today I am in what you could call an 'emo' mood. So, this short story I'm writing for no reason will probably reflect that...heh. I just REALLY felt like writing...Hey, if you do read it, tell me if you liked it or not...I may wanna post it on Fictionpress or Deviantart or something... XD)
She ran. She couldn't help herself. How was she to know they would take it so seriously? The expressions that had so quickly turned from sympathy to disgust were burned into her mind, like the imprint on your eyes if you stare into a bright light for even a moment. Always there, whether your eyes are open or closed.
She noticed she had slowed down, thinking about these expressions. She sped up again, not trying to wipe them from her mind. They were right, she was wrong. She was stupid. She was ignorant.
She was disgusting.
She deserved having those hated glances stuck in her mind. Why did she run when they called her name? She should have stayed, should have accepted the punishment for being so ignorant.
Couldn't she have pretended? Couldn't she have hid the fact that she was so numb to sympathy? To anything, really? She should have. Then they would still like her.
No, she thought. They wouldn't. They wouldn't like me. They'd like the person they thought was me.
She slowed to a stop in a dark, unused hallway. She forgot where she was for a moment, until she saw the stretched.
Oh, yeah. The hospital.
Suddenly, footsteps echoed behind her. Or were they in front? They were coming from everywhere.
Pat, pat, pat.
Click, click, click.
Bum, bum, bum.
So many. So many. She covered her ears and ran to the nearest door, adding her own hurried footsteps to the already overwhelming mix.
She ran in and shut the door. What did they want? What did they WANT? She felt a sudden loss of strength, and fell to the ground. She didn't have the will to move out of her position. She lay there, sprawled on the floor, as if some distracted god had dropped it's doll and forgot about it.
Maybe they really had.
The door opened. The girl only had enough strength to slide her eyes up towards the intruders.
Her friends.
She didn't know.
One of them said something. It was muffled, it seemed. The speaker got more and more frantic as she spoke, but the girl on the floor still couldn't understand anything.
Then she understood one word.
"Bleeding," they said. "Bleeding, bleeding, bleeding."
She once again slid her eyes to get a new point of view, looking for the blood they were so frantically pointing out. There. Found it! On the ground, by her head.
She slid her eyes back to the people, now calling for help.
Help? Why?
She stared indifferently as one of the other girls crouched beside her, once again saying things she couldn't understand. The girl on the floor gave a weak laugh. She didn't care what they had to say. It was only fair, since nobody cared what she had to say, either.
She felt something on her face. Wet.
Tears and blood, blood and tears, she guessed. So be it. So it be.
The girl began feeling something. Something. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.
One of them said, "Hello? Can you hear me? Can you remember who you are, why you're here?"
The girl smiled.
"I don't know why I'm here, or why you care," she said. "But as for who I am? I am Nothing."
XD WOO! Meh. 


  1. Sad *sob*. Wooow dude! where'd you get that background? it's awesome. looking forward to your posts on new blog.

  2. XD The face one? I found it somewhere, but it wasn't the right size, so I searched "face background." If you find one and click the "More Sizes" button, there should be a few different colors. (On Google images)

  3. Thanks. It's totally osum, and according to your comment, you barfed at yourself. LOL
    Osum1 ;P


I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

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