
Super Duper Fly Ho....With Cheese.

No, I am not talking about you, Gurdy. Go get your cheese elsewhere. (Hm, just started typing 30 seconds ago and I already have two choir references.)
Anyway, no explanation for the title. It just sounds awesome. You need to hear it be said before it's really THAT funny, but'cha know.
*Sigh* I'm in an emo mood again...It switches a lot... but anyway... BORED. SOMEBODY freaking make CONTACT with me for once...geeeeeeeez. Well, I'm not going to rant on about all the darkness in life, because honestly, I'm used to it already. I don't really care. It's inevitable, not a big deal, and really shouldn't be as much of a shock as it sometimes is.
Ergh. I just did, in a way, didn't I?
Anywho...I like obsessions. You all who bothered to acknowledge the existence of my life and/or my blog probably know what I'm talking about when I say that obsessions help make life that much more worth living. But, once they take over your mind constantly in your daily life, you know it's gone to the extreme level only the very best fit to your personality reach.
Like... I constantly switch from obsession to obsession, completely disregarding one after another. But, for the first ten years of my life, I was completely in love with Hello Kitty. And because that obsession was so complete that I YouTube'd, Googled, and read every page of the official website over and over again, it stuck with me. I'm reluctant to give up my big dolls and little puppets, my dry-erase boards and notebooks. But, it has to be done. I mean, seriously. Look at my background.
Like today, since it irritates the Cheesy Ho to my Jai-ai and Hah, (I gotta use that one now...) I won't mention the name, but when she obsessed about the Beatles getting a certain manager on her birthday, I thought about how the band I am currently listening to had their first concert in New York on MY birthday... Yeah. I'm not sure if it was their first in America or not, but the first in New York. And that little thought made that moment just that little bit happier.
So...there was absolutely no point to this post. Seriously. Nothing whatsoever. You can post whatever opinion you want on the matter....I still haven't ranted about homosexuality and how I support them, even if I'm not one (which shouldn't be surprising...douches...) and still haven't done anything with that other blog...thinking of deleting it and making a different one for writing random literature... if anybody would care to contact me about it I would enjoy posting their own work on there to praise and review, since I'm not really the kinda chick who just shows off her work and nothing else...hopefully...ergh.
But, it's not like you care about my opinion anyway. I'm just gonna go. I know it's spring break and I'm not the least bit tired, but it's late...I could probably lay down in the darkness of my room and drown in my thoughts...that's always the best way to fall asleep. Unless the thoughts are about death.
What is it about nighttime that makes death so scary?  During the day, the thought of not existing, seeing nothing, being eternally unaware, they mean nothing to me. I could care less. But something about the darkness of night, the silence of it, the unclarity, makes all those things the most frightening thoughts I've ever had. Is it because, being able to see only some outlines in the dark, I'm as close as I can ever be to being dead while still being aware of it? Is it just me? Is it my mind slowly receding into insanity? Which, honestly I don't mind, but still.
This post was a lot longer than I planned. I can rant on about death later, but for now I'm just wasting all of your time who were nice enough to read this far. If anybody really is. Honestly I doubt I'm that interesting. The only thing interesting about me is...well...the obvious. Which isn't so much interesting as...well. You people at school might be able to get what I'm referring to.
AGH. Get over it Jenica. Well, since I basically said something like "bye" twice now, there's no point in saying -


  1. Up at the top, where the picture is, it helps to highlight the words you can't read. Just some simple nerd-help, y'know.


I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

Music I Listen to... Don't Judge Me.

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South Park Kyle Broflovski - Background