
Hmm...Does Anything Seem Different?

If you haven't noticed, those who care, I restyled my blog. It took forever. And I know maybe you're thinking, "Oh, wow, SOOOO surprising, Gorillaz. *sarcasm.*" And since I don't want you to get sick of them eventually, I'll keep my obsession in check and only let it out to you in small amounts. This is just one way so that those amounts aren't annoying bursts. You probably don't even care, but I'm a very paranoid person.
Also, though I have a burning hatred for Justin Beiber, I'm not going to say anything bad about musicians I don't like to the people who do. (so please don't take too much advantage of that, Gurdy XD)
Unnecessary List of Musicians I Hate (In No Certain Order):

  • Justin Beiber
  • Miley Cyrus
  • Britney Spears
Also Unnecessary List of Musicians That Mildly Annoy Me:

  • Jonas Brothers
  • Willow Smith
  • And others I can't exactly think of this late at night...
Why do you people read this crap? I mean...seriously...I suck. XD You'z guys gotzta be REALLY bored.
Why does Google Chrome say 'you'z' is spelled right? It says 'should've' is spelled wrong...hm... and 'hm' is spelled wrong... WOW I gotz LOTZA red squiggly lines...
I'mma go now. I leave you with religious-for-some-reason-even-though-I'm-going-through-doubts-lolz. Peace!

(Haha... I didn't want that to be italicized but I'm too lazy to change it)


Ah, Happy Sigh of Goodness. Wait. Ew.

That's better. My dramatic little scene is over and I'm ready to rant on about random chiz again!
Hmmm... now what should I obsess to anyone bored enough to read something like this now?
*Looks at picture at the bottom of this blog of Gorillaz while listening to 12D3 by them.*
Hmmm...I wonder....
Alright, yes, I'm going to obsess about them. No, you don't have to read this. I'm just gonna type and you can skim down 'till you don't see anything about them anymore.
I'm sorry, Who and Beatles and Justin Beaver fans *looking pointedly at little Miss Gertrude* but I totally, without doubt, believe that Gorillaz is the best band ever known to man. EVER.
What kind of music do they play? You ask. Well, it depends on the album! They have many, but I believe there's four main ones.  People usually describe it as 'dark pop,' but it's really several different music styles mixed in with each other, different amounts of each in different songs, usually consisting of at least a little pop.
(Give 'em a listen if you want to. The last 23 songs on my playlist down by the bottom are by them.)
See, the coolest thing about them is that they're not real people.
You read that right.
They're cartoons. All of 'em. Sure, they have voice actors 'n all, but only for speaking really. And when the lead singer sings. The backup singer has had different guests sing for her...
I love how they all have backup stories for everything. Those who were creeped out by their appearances, just ask me about them. I'll tell you why it's so. (Thank you Wikipedia.)
For example, that guy in the front of the first picture? People were weirded out by his black eyes. The truth is, that's so because he's got two dents in his head, both from accidents that involved the guy on the left over there and his car... That's why they call him 2D, for two dents. Poor guy...
Shyeah. Another thing I love about this band is that most of their music videos tell a story, or part of their story. That picture above with their names is a screen shot I took from their music video for "Clint Eastwood." That video pretty much introduced them and their personalities, and also told how they got the enviornment that surrounds their first HQ. They've sinced moved, but that's another story.
I could go ranting on about so many other things right now (in fact I've backspaced many an unnecessary fact) but Kick Ass is on in four minutes. I'll just...erm...say...that...um....
*runs away*
(More rantings about these people sure to come. I'll keep it to a minumum. You're welcome. XD)



I'm...sad. I just typed this whole long thing that I'm certainly NOT sharing with anybody. Too...personal. So, I saved it to my computer as a word document and am keeping it to myself. Maybe I'll show it to you one day. Maybe I won't. I don't know.
Either way, I'm just going to end this post early and rant on about my new favorite band and Justin Beiber being number 7 on Google's 50 Most Popular Women list in another post. Okay? Is that okay? Please say it is...
I should backspace that. But...I'm tired. I don't care. I'll see you all some other time... in some other place...hopefully.
Alright, alright. Since nobody cares anyway, I shouldn't...but I do. Bye.
(No exploding outros this time people. Move along.)


I Started Following People That I'm Not Sure I Know But Might Possibly Do...Know... Um... What? Happy Commercialism Day!

Woah... I just like, totally confused myself in the title. I also had a lot of sugar at the same time. Let's see what explodes onto the page then, eh?
(Gar. Friggin' jump break won't work. I was gonna capitalize it, but I won't because I'm frustrated.)
Wait, was I supposed to blog about something someone cares about? Meh. Whatever. Anyway, happy Holiday-That-Was-Taken-Over-By-Commercialization-And-Uses-A-Shape-That's-Supposed-To-Be-A-Blood-Pumping-Organ-But-Looks-Nothing-Like-It-To-Represent-Love-Even-Though-Love-Really-Shouldn't-Have-Anything-To-Do-With-That-Certain-Muscle. Yes, Valentine's Day! I enjoy overly-long names using hyphens.
Valentine's Day, like Christmas, is something that was supposed to be a special holiday, but was mostly taken over by commercialism. Sure, we still get the basic idea about love and friendship and all those happy barf-inducing words, but we keep thinking that we have to buy things for people to express that. That we need to decorate every corner of the house for this one day. That if we just make a measly card when we could do better makes it look like we don't love them as much as we do those people we spend money on. When, in fact, the shabby, homemade gifts mean more, because they mean the person actually spent time and effort on that gift.
Wow, that was a long paragraph. Hm. In this book I'm reading (and taking a break on, due to the three books I checked out from the library today and the other that I'm re-reading) there's a goth girl who's sort-of friends with the main character. On Valentine's Day, she wore a shirt with an actual heart on it, gave the main character a bag of black jelly beans, and said
"'Happy artificial holiday with strong commercial overtones,'" 
Shoosh yeah.
I remember when I was little and didn't use to question everything I heard. Haha. The good old days.  (By the way, when I went to my room to get the book so I could quote it, I noticed my dog peed on my unprotected mattress, since I always kick off the sheets in my sleep. Got a good yelling by my deep-voiced dad and now he's sitting in the corner.  Little demon's more trouble than he's worth. Can't he have gone to a good family that could handle him? I never wanted a dog. Still don't.)
Well, enough about Valentine's Day. I have to travel tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy traveling, but tomorrow, I'd much rather...not. At least I get to read some more of those previously mentioned books.
Anyway, I'm guessing this is about the end of this post... So time to give credit where credit is due.
Goth girl and all her mouth-words are from the book Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie by David Lubar. Check it out, you'll love it.
Well, I guess this is a good time to leave. I leave you with a motivational poster. (Which also does NOT belong to me)


I'm Booorrreeeddd

Listenin' to 'Bomb This Track' (on my playlist, 2nd to last track) and I'm done with my science project and I am BOOORRREEEDD. Amnesia is WAAY to scary.... takin' a break from it....
Alright, that's enough of a break. I've never made a blog short enough so far that the little type box didn't have to expand for me... Well, there's a first time for everything.
*Sigh* I don't know WHY this blog is interesting enough for even my friends to read it, but whatever. Maybe in my next blog I'll actually TALK about something. Like gay rights, internet trolls and stalkers, or whatever's going on in Egypt right now (I really have absolutely NO idea what all THAT's about right now, but whatever. I'll find out.)
Oh, song changed. Ah, well. Later.
FIVESTAR! *explodes*


Argh of.... arghness.

Okay, I'd like to post a random video which is around 10 minutes long and boring if you don't know about the guy and hilarious several times throughout, just not constantly. This guy is HILARIOUS. He's not famous for these videos in which he plays video games and 'comentates,' but I like to watch them along with all that other shtuff anyway. So, here.
(beware, several parts of this video may freak you out. I can't remember. He's playing a horror game that was made to make you pee your pants. Seriously. XD)
Okayz. XD Seeya!
(And if you guessed this one was for no other reason but because I'm either bored or had to take a break from the scary-ness, then you'd be correct!)


Be prepared to be scarred for life.. Crap Forgot Important Caps! Ah, Well.

I just wanted to post something.... That may scar you for liiiifffeee.
Get ready, 'cause I'mma post...
It scares me too.
I'm not exactly happy with the artwork, though. I usually suck eggs when it comes to this chiz, but even mroe so since i was using a new program I don't like. At least the font and the lightning strike is neat... Also, I kinda mostly posted this 'cause I wanted to show an Aim buddy of mine and on this computer I couldn't upload it to meebo and blah blah blah.
I need to ask her if her iPod takes links...
Anyway, there ya go. Wasn't sure if I posted it yet, checked, guessed I didn't, there ya go.

Ummm.... Um...

CHIZ! CHIZ CHIZ CHIZ CHIZ CHIZ! I was totally going to SAY something of IMPORTANCE and I FRIGGIN' FORGOT! GAR! >=U
Anyway... I'll just say...something...
Um.. Oh! I HATE being articulate. Yeah. Whenever we sing something in choir or church, when ever they say "something of something" I'd go "somethin' a' somethin.'" I always go soft on the t's and d's. In fact, if I ever type something that can be less articulate, it probably is in my head.
Y'know wha'? I'mma just type the rest o' this blog like ah would if I was talkin'. Alllriiigh'. Giggity.
(Family Guy reference. XD)
Anyway...er... um...
An' tha's where I stand on that.  Anyway... It be 1:20 in da mornin'. Shyeah. I like ta sleep...just...not at nigh'. (Gar, all these spell check squiggleh lines are drivin' me NUTS.)
Hm... Migh' stay up for another howah or so... I'll just leave this as is.
So, I leave ya wit derp.



It is a snow day, which means i have nothing better to do than steal your souls. What's that, conscience? I have homework? P-shaw, who gives a crap about that chiz?!
Yersh... Anyway-
GAH! You scared me large booming link-voice from off-screen! Well, if someone wants to click you, they can.... And if they don't, you'll eat their faces?
Okay, calm down link-voice! All's good here!
Okay, also, I wanted to mention to all who haven't read this yet as I'm adding this to the already published post that that music you're hearing is what I like to listen to. You'll usually hear something different every time you come here. If you want to stop the music or to search through some of my fave songs, the music player is way down at the bottom of the page.
(Little tidbit: I was listening to "This is the Best Burrito I've Ever Eaten," and I laughed cause the picture behind that says "No. I don't think so." XD)
Well, I'mma go eat stuff and blow off my homework more. Bye!
(Oh, and a new poll will be up in a few!)

Music I Listen to... Don't Judge Me.

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South Park Kyle Broflovski - Background