
Ah, Happy Sigh of Goodness. Wait. Ew.

That's better. My dramatic little scene is over and I'm ready to rant on about random chiz again!
Hmmm... now what should I obsess to anyone bored enough to read something like this now?
*Looks at picture at the bottom of this blog of Gorillaz while listening to 12D3 by them.*
Hmmm...I wonder....
Alright, yes, I'm going to obsess about them. No, you don't have to read this. I'm just gonna type and you can skim down 'till you don't see anything about them anymore.
I'm sorry, Who and Beatles and Justin Beaver fans *looking pointedly at little Miss Gertrude* but I totally, without doubt, believe that Gorillaz is the best band ever known to man. EVER.
What kind of music do they play? You ask. Well, it depends on the album! They have many, but I believe there's four main ones.  People usually describe it as 'dark pop,' but it's really several different music styles mixed in with each other, different amounts of each in different songs, usually consisting of at least a little pop.
(Give 'em a listen if you want to. The last 23 songs on my playlist down by the bottom are by them.)
See, the coolest thing about them is that they're not real people.
You read that right.
They're cartoons. All of 'em. Sure, they have voice actors 'n all, but only for speaking really. And when the lead singer sings. The backup singer has had different guests sing for her...
I love how they all have backup stories for everything. Those who were creeped out by their appearances, just ask me about them. I'll tell you why it's so. (Thank you Wikipedia.)
For example, that guy in the front of the first picture? People were weirded out by his black eyes. The truth is, that's so because he's got two dents in his head, both from accidents that involved the guy on the left over there and his car... That's why they call him 2D, for two dents. Poor guy...
Shyeah. Another thing I love about this band is that most of their music videos tell a story, or part of their story. That picture above with their names is a screen shot I took from their music video for "Clint Eastwood." That video pretty much introduced them and their personalities, and also told how they got the enviornment that surrounds their first HQ. They've sinced moved, but that's another story.
I could go ranting on about so many other things right now (in fact I've backspaced many an unnecessary fact) but Kick Ass is on in four minutes. I'll just...erm...say...that...um....
*runs away*
(More rantings about these people sure to come. I'll keep it to a minumum. You're welcome. XD)


I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

Music I Listen to... Don't Judge Me.

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South Park Kyle Broflovski - Background