
At the Late night, Double-Feature, Picture Shooowww!

I watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Wewt! It was AMAZING! And for the next few hours I was in a very singy-dancy mood! And now Ally is rewriting a PG-13 version with all them peeps in dat group picture I linked to from her very page in it! Except her. She left herself out because *bleeped out spoiler alert* so, yeah! I get to be a much younger, female version of the criminologist! Woo! Read Act 1!
If anybody else wants to read it, just comment and the next post will be a character list and Act 1! (As long as I can get Ally's permission, of course.)
Hm... I have inspiration... SInce I'm not at the right computer, I'll put that inspiration to work later. For now, back to watching stuff! Byeas!


I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

Music I Listen to... Don't Judge Me.

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South Park Kyle Broflovski - Background