
Okay... Okay...um... Wait... What?

I'm distracted today.
Anyway, I remodeled my page a bit! Click the picture and you'll (I think) go to the website of my favorite celebrity. I think. I don't know. Also, I'm gonna have a monthly poll. This month is "What's your clique?" My vote was "I don't believe in cliques." I think they're stupid and people can hang out with whoever they want to hang out with. But, that's just me.
Anyway, here's a cast list of people and stuff! If you don't know enough about them, got to that blog I linked to a few posts back. I'm too lazy to remember the URL but it's there. It's Ally's blog, or as she calls herself, Alice Rocker. She has descriptions of all the people I haven't explained on here yet.
Anyway, cast list for Rocky Horror! Act 1 will be up as soon as I ask her. Or, y'know, she comments on here.
*nudge nudge wink wink*

Pedra as Dr. Frank-N-Furter: A scientist. Main antagonist. Frank is a flamboyant, Mexican, angry, hedonistic transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania; a pansexual mad scientist.
Scarlet as Janet Weiss: A heroine. Pushy and dangerous. Janet who doesn’t like singing, and always carries pepper spray, thinks her fianc? is a moron.
Louis as Brad Majors: A hero. The clean-cut fianc? of Janet Weiss. Awkward and out of step, he finds himself in situations never before experienced. (Heh, ish true)
Terry as Riff Raff: A handyman. Frank's minion and Magenta's brother.
Anna as Magenta: A domestic. Riff Raff's sister.
Scarlett as Columbia: A groupie. A tap dancer. Self-proclaimed lover of Frank, and formerly involved with Eddie.
Todd as Dr. Everett Scott: A rival scientist. Brad and Janet's high school science teacher, now a government scientist searching for extraterrestrial life.
Sam: Rocky Horror: A creation. Blond-haired and tanned, Rocky is mute except for his musical numbers. Rocky's singing voice was dubbed over by Trevor White.
Jen (that's me! XD [uDUNwannaKNO]) as The Criminologist: An expert. The film's narrator.
Jake as Eddie: An ex-delivery boy. Columbia's former boyfriend, partial brain donor for Rocky, nephew to Dr. Scott, and eventually, Dr. Frank-N-Furter's dinner

She re-wrote the cast list so it'd fit the actual actors...
Anyway, today we were at Olive Garden and I was enjoying the rolly chair and I explained how un-classy that was. Then the birthday girl explains how I'm already wearing a Green Day t-shirt and didn't bother to brush my hair, so it would be a little late for class. That's when I pointed out that, hey, at least I pulled my pant legs down over my knee-high converse this time!
So, anyway, we had cake. Yum yum cake. She got stuff. Yay yay stuff. I finished two books and felt sympathy for a friend who's...erm... who was it who died? Ah, crap. I feel bad now. Ah, well, somebody died. Poor her. Please send your prayers. Someone else had a bad day or something and didn't explain...
Ah, well. Anywho, I have Rocky Horror songs on my extremely-old-doesn't-even-have-a-screen-just-a-"On"-"Off"-"Shuffle"-switch-and-a-back/forward/volume up/ volume down-and-pause/play-buttons iPod. It looks like that. Over there. Up. Yeah, that. See it? No, no, a little to the-no wait now it's the- wait yeah to to the left... yeah...uh-huh...see it's right-no, right about th- no see it says iPod. See it? With the apple with the bite taken out? Who's the one who takes the bite of the apple, anyway?
*has Family-Guy-like vision of something funny eating the apples*
Yeah...it's a mystery... Oh, wait, now it's not to the left anymore. Just look up. Well... yeah. Up. To the left and- oh wait up again. At least that's how it looks when I type it.
Ah, well, enough wasting-of-time chiz. Ooh, BTW! Thank you for looking up chiz. I gotta get off this blog and go chiz on mah beanbag chair for a while. Haha. It doesn't sound right, does it? It means chillax. XD But it seriously does not sound right...re-read that sentence...seriously...
My sister says it sounds like a word I shouldn't know. From a song I've heard I think I know what she means.
Click all who have headphones.
Of course I pretended I didn't know... XD Wewt.
Anyway, I have to leave. So, have fun with that song and I'll seeya layta! (BTW, that 'Balls to you' youtube link thing I posted, remember that? Yeah, that same guy introduced me to this slow-loading video. Wewt. XD)
*explodes, leaving behind a sign that says Kay, I'm done, leave. Go. Now. Seriously. Shanaynay will kill you if you don't get the chiz outta here.*

1 comment:

    Who wants to read my rewrite??? Please read it! Ish...yeah...well...good luck with that...
    ^click it^ ^^


I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

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