
Characters of Doom, Part 2, And Other Crap

Just like to add that I am drawing the characters as different genders... Mwuahahahaha.
Here is Pedro before and after!

I shoulda made the girl-version's hair a bit darker, but what's done is done. Either way. Ha. He's a girl. X3 Working on Jake as I type... Mwuahahahaha. Anna, or, One-Who-Is-Shunned, will be EPICTICIOUSNESS as a guy, I'm sure. Hm. I would've typed my evil laugh again, but repetition in this case would be too annoying... Um... Ha.

That's enough on characters for now. Let's see, what can we do for the 'Other Crap' part, eh? Hmmmmm....
Ooh! Ooh! My friend, Beatle Chick, on this place, web, whatever the hello it is, didn't she say soemthing about...something?
Anyway, I think it had to do with this book that I'm reading. (Remember this: I'm not advertising. Just... y'know...blabbing out whatever comes to mind, like us girls do.) It's called The Midnighters series. It's soooo cooooool! It's about these people who live on certain points in the earth who were born at midnight and can roam around during an extra hour of the day! SO EPIC! And there's this (erm, I'll keep my blog PG, so we'll just say-) bratty chick who can taste feelings and sorta read minds, this guy who can defy gravity, (yes, a Glee song was brought to mind) this chick who can do any math problem within like two minutes, this new girl who can bring technology into the extra hour, where it wouldn't normally work, and my favorite is the self-proclaimed leader of the group who can see if things have been touched by Midnight and who can read the ancient symbols from back when the creatures of Midnight roamed around during the day.
Woah, long sentence!
Anyway, and now in the third book of the series my favorite has gotten even epicer! Now he's half-human, and half of one of the beasts they all feared! He's taller and can sense weakness and STUFF! XD And he dun need glasses no more.
So yeah. I recommend it. XD

Hmm... anything else? Yes? No?

Ooh, what about that 'Bed Intruder' song? It's been stuck in my head CONSTANTLY lately...
Hide yo kids,
Hide yo wife,
Hide yo kids,
Hide yo wife,
And hide yo husband, 'cause he's rapin' everybody out there.
Haha. That poor guy had NO IDEA how epic that taunting would become. XD

Hmm... Anybody know who Shane Dawson is? Ain't he just the awesomest?!

That's enough for today. I think my huge green font may be giving you people headaches by now. Peace, home skillets!

(Geez, Ally, now you got ME talking like that! I'm as bad as Justin Beiber... Blegh.)


  1. Yush. I continue to comment on random crap. That's what I'm here for eh?
    Dang I sound Canadian...could be worse...so... Sorry, Jen, dat's just the way I roll.... Did you tell people to call you that? Heh, too bad. Rock on. Or something. Yush.

  2. Did you really draw that? Was it done freehand?

    And who the heck is Shane Dawson?

  3. I used bases for the bodies, actually, but the rest, yeah. And Shane Dawson is the AWESOMEST PERSON ON YOUTUBE! XDXDXD Awesome sauce. X3


I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

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