
Characters of Doom

What do I talk about this time? Hm...
Ooh, I can talk about the, erm, "characters," (I guess you can call them,) that I have! I just edited a random picture to make it look like on of 'em! His name be Jake.
He all emo 'n crap. If you wanna know more about him, just contact me in some way, shape, or form. XD (BTW, I don't own the original picture. I just changed some colors and added the 'Jake' on picnik.com)
So, anyway, my characters (that I write stories about, of course) are as follows:
Pedro (big brother of Jake, in fact)
Maggie (her story has been put on hold)
And some of my favorite extras would be:
Elody & Alody  (sisters and stalkers of Vincetta)
Avrella (little sister of Vincetta)
Jake (also emo, but not the same Jake as above. I know. I know. X3 )

So, anyway... Um... seriously, can somebody tell me what this "Labels:" box below this type-box thingy is all about? Gah, confuzzling.
Hm. Anyway, I'd like to explain the two characters I fuss over most:
Pedro and Jake.
Brothers. Also, voices in people's heads.
Yeah. You read that right.
They both used to live with their mom, then Pedro, the extremely temperamental one who gets mad at anything and everything, found a head of his own. Jake, who has remained home a little longer than he should've, visits to see what it's like to have a head, and apparently doesn't leave.
Haha. Freeloader.
Pedro is 17 and Jake is 1 year younger. Their dad is gone under sad circumstances, and I have (modestly, nudge nudge wink wink) put myself in the story as the head they reside in. Anna is also there, (stuck inside a brick wall) for reasons that will be explained later, but due to some Justin Beiber-related circumstances, she is currently being shunned and will not be talked to or about until she stops liking the little wanna-be freak.
Anyway, the weirdest things happen there. They are crazy, stupid, and will never make sense. Basically, it's based on the actual thoughts that go through this wacky-shack I call a head.
(For some reason, 'wacky-shack' reminded me of 'Love Shack,' which reminded me of Harry Potter. Yeah, I don't know either.
Love Shack! Baby, Love Shack!
Love Shack, baabyyyyy!)
Jessie is a one-eyed demon girl who lives in the human world and goes to high school with her mix-matched group of three friends and a creepy emo stalker dude, and Vincetta comes from the Underworld and must return with no memories of it whatsoever to save all three worlds, (Underworld, Overworld, and Middleworld, where we live)
And that is all the summary that they get. Maggie is some random nerd who doesn't believe in love, then meets the new kid who falls in love with her. And then I stopped writing.
Anyway, if this interests you at all, every one of these characters can be read about on my Fictionpress account. Just go to fictionpress.com, then click search, then scroll down that little list, then Search Author, then type suckishLEMONADE.
Or I could just give you the URL. Yeah, let's do that. XD
My Fictionpress Profile of Doooooom. And shtuff.
Click it! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Anyway, this seems like a long and rambling enough post. I hope I haven't bored you. OFF TO DO OTHER NERD THINGS!
(Pretend I just flew away in a superman pose. 'Kay? 'Kay.)
[SERIOUSLY! This labels box confuzzles meeeee! Oh, the eternal noob that is me is going to 'asplode.]


  1. YUSH! I CAN COMMENT! Okay, rock on yo freaky bro! Wacka wacka ding dong, word.
    Mwuahahahhahaha! TIS I!
    Scarlet: It's Ally.
    You blew the element of surprise at least we still have...THE SECOND SURPRISE! *smoke bombs go off behind me*
    *10 minutes, 3 fire extinguishers, one visit from the angry fire men, and a looooong coughing fit latah!*
    ...please...ignore that...either way...ROCK ON! WRITE MORE!
    Todd: Do, before she explodes.
    Hehehe...Tooooodd...you kidder...peace yo dig dog, word.


I appreciate all backwash! Seeya in cyberspace, soul brothers 'n sisters.

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